Our clients work for international organisations, government ministries, regional and city offices, embassies and permanent representations, NGOs and the corporate world. They are young and old, starting out in their jobs, or experienced in their field but new to the EU.    Many are preparing to assume their EU Presidency responsibilities.     They are diplomats, politicians, officials, professionals and executives.  Our clients have come from:

Civil Council on Defense and Security, Tbilisi

Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv 

DG COMM, European Commission, Brussels

Lithuanian Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels

Cabinet Office, London

Ministry of Public Administration, Ljubljana

Prime Minister’s Office, Helsinki

General Secretariat of the Council, Brussels

Estonian School of Diplomacy, Tallinn 

Richmond, The American International University, London

New Zealand High Commission, London

CPDS Europe

Dods Group PLC, London

Riigikogu, the Parliament of Estonia, Tallinn

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, London

State Chancellery, Tallinn  

ARS Progetti, Rome

European External Action Service, Brussels

College of Europe, Bruges

Diplomatic School of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yerevan

University of Tartu, Estonia

The ECE Group, Tallinn

CPDS, London

Diplomatic Training and Research Institute, MFA, Tbilisi

Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the EU, Brussels

NATO-Georgia Professional Development Programme, Tbilisi

Ministry of Finance, Tallinn

Welsh Government, Cardiff

“I followed the political reporting training, and really enjoyed learning from your and Anne’s experience and insights. I especially liked your enthusiastic approach to political intelligence and diplomacy - it really inspired me!"

- MT, The Hague


 “Very well thought-out simulation exercise, extremely realistic and instructive.”

- TM, Tallinn


“This was the best workshop I have had in many years. At the beginning I was very nervous but then I started really enjoying it. Now I’m actually gonna miss playing with you guys :-)”

- FZ, Ljubljana

“Thanks for this training course – incredibly useful, especially for someone who has recently joined the Council Secretariat.”

- LP, Brussels


“It has been a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for a very fast-paced, practical and well-managed training and also for the individual feedback. I really appreciate it.”

- TU. Tallinn


“Thank you for everything. The whole experience was very enriching and a great pleasure. One of my best courses ever :-)”

- TP, Ljubljana